Building Capacity to use Learning Analytics to improve Higher Education in Latin America

The LALA project seeks to build local capacity in Latin American higher education institutions to design and implement learning analytics to enhance quality education. The objectives of this project include:
- To develop a framework that describes the methodological, technical, institutional, ethical and communal aspects of the deployment of Learning Analytics in the context of Latin American higher education institutions.
- To adapt two existing tools created originally in the context of Europe to the Latin American context. One will be directed to academic administrators and the other to professors and counsellors.
- To develop the LALA Handbook, a guide containing the LALA methodology, the infrastructure, the adoption experience and best-practices.
Partners: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)(Spain), Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL)(Ecuador), Universidad de Cuenca (UCuenca)Ecuador), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC)(Chilé), Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh)(Chilé), KU Leuven (KUL)(Belgium), and University of Edinburgh (UK)

Funder: Erasmus+ European Union (Erasmus+ KA2 – Higher Education: International Capacity Building)
Grant number: 586120-EPP-1-2017-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
A number of key outputs including a framework for adopting learning analytics in Latin America, research publications, and demo videos of selected learning analytics tools are available here. We have also published several project bulletins that summarise the work we have done.