Who needs a Feedback Bot? Impacts of automation on feedback pedagogy and learning experience

This project aims to inform the design of (semi-)automated systems for feedback generation and propose a feedback model that equips learners and teachers with the ‘digital feedback literacy’ required to face an increasingly technology-mediated learning environment. This project intends to answer the following questions:
- What constitutes ‘good’ or ‘bad’ feedback?
- Are there discrepancies between perceptions and realisation of ‘good’ feedback?
- What are the impacts of automation on feedback pedagogy and learning experience?
Partners: University of Edinburgh (UK) and Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE)(Brazil)
Funder: Brazilian State Funding Agencies articulated by its National Council CONFAP, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), and The UK Academies
Grant number: APQ-0054-1.03/19