Supporting Higher Education to Integrate Learning Analytics

The SHELA project aims to assist European universities to become more mature users and custodians of digital data about their students as they learn online through the development of a long-term learning analytics policy agenda and a community among higher education institutions across Europe. The objectives of this project include:
- Understanding the state of the art of learning analytics adoption in Europe
- Engaging key stakeholders directly to understand expectations and concerns regarding the use of learning analytics
- Developing a policy framework that incorporates views from all relevant stakeholders

A series of research activities took place between January 2016 and September 2018 to investigate the state of the art in terms of learning analytics (LA) adoption in Europe, drivers for adoption, challenges, and successes to date. The project then built a policy development framework–SHEILA framework (openly accessible) to support systematic, sustainable and responsible adoption of LA at an institutional level. The study concluded with a recommendation of a dialogical approach to dealing with the social and cultural challenges associated with LA, so as to move towards systematic adoption under a shared vision across the institution.
Partners: University of Edinburgh (UK), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)(Spain), Open University of the Netherlands (Netherlands), Tallinn University (Estonia), Erasmus Student Network, Brussels Education Services, and European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)

Funder: Erasmus+ European Union (Erasmus+ KA 3 – Support for policy reform)
Grant number: 562080-EPP-1-2015-1-BE-EPPKA3-PI- FORWARD